I cannot believe how much has happened since I last really wrote! Even without her turning 1!
Her lower left Lateral Incisor has popped up. 8 teeth! She's a really good eater. I love being able to give her what I make. Soon Tim and I are going to have to start eating at the table; so Aeryn doesn't get used to us eating on tv trays watching, well tv. We are so bad with that. I guess we are just going to have to get a DVR. I better let Tim know. ;-) Aeryn likes to drink out of straws now. She still mostly uses her sippies. For some reason I didn't want her to try soda until she could drink from a straw. Well now she has, and each time it brings on lots of funny faces. She will take a drink and then make a sour like funny face. But she will still keep drinking, and each time making a face! The first drink she took from a straw was a Pumpkin shake from Braum's. Lucky her. Unlucky me, because I have to share now.
She also has completely mastered the stairs now. She can go up and down. I feel blessed that she hasn't learned how to climb out of her crib yet. It's the only thing she hasn't climbed in the house now.
She is also walking using push toys. Well, anything that she can slide across the floor. Her favorite is her high chair. It's too cute!
Every morning I open her window shade, bring her to the window and we say hello to the world. For her birthday I printed out the Yo Gabba Gabba characters to decorate for her birthday. She really liked seeing them up. So instead of throwing them away I taped them to her window. I cannot believe how much she loves them! When she wakes up, she doesn't want to give me hugs, she wants to open the shade to see Yo Gabba Gabba. And if I forget to close her shade and bring her upstairs later, she gets so excited when she turns the corner to her room.
Birthday Oct. 19
Tim had an early day at work, so we took Aeryn to Toys R Us. Apparently I signed her up for Geoffry's Birthday Club at some point, and they sent us a coupon. She picked out a cute dolly. As part of being in the Club she got a birthday crown and balloon. I took a picture on my phone but haven't blue toothed it to the computer yet. But I will get it up at some point. I baked her cakes for the party and one for her to blow out a candle ON her birthday. It also gave her some practice for tearing into her own little one on Saturday.
Birthday Party Oct. 20
It was my first big shindig and it went so smoothly, if I say so myself. I couldn't believe it! I did scramble a little bit in the morning. I had printed out a picture on Friday and took it to Wal-Mart to be copied onto edible paper. But they wouldn't do it because the characters are copyrighted. So I took it to Target, and the person who was working didn't know how to do it, so I left the picture for the morning person. And I got a call Saturday morning saying that they couldn't do it. I printed another one and took it to Reasor's, but their machine was broken. I took it to a Food Pyramid(formerly Albertsons) and theirs was down too. So I tried one more Food Pyramid, and I got it done! Whew! Came home decorated the cakes and then did some cleaning. Luckily Tim was home to hang out with Aeryn. And he helped me out when she was napping. I am so lucky. The timing couldn't have been better. Right as the hoers derv's were coming out of the oven, people started to arrive. I served some mini spinach and artichoke bread bowls from Schwan's(I love 'em. And you know how much I love veggies.), and I made some lil' smokies wrapped in bacon, some veggies and chips with dip, and a great punch recipe I found online(I will post it soon on my recipe page). The cake turned out amazing. If it wasn't for Aeryn I wouldn't have made it. She had pulled some cookbooks out of a cabinet and I came across a cake one I'd forgotten I had. So I looked through it and found her cake. It was a cookie cake and a regular cake in one! Byron didn't realize it was a cookie at first, and thought I had burnt the cake really bad on the bottom. He's so funny! So everyone came and I had some Yo Gabba Gabba playing that I had recorded. There was some socialization and then we opened presents. I am not going to list them all, but her two faves are the bongos from Byron and Kryston, and her most fave is the zebra Gma Jessie and Papa Lee got her. And after presents we did cake. Aeryn did very well, and didn't throw a fit. I can't believe how at ease she was with everything that was going on.
I know, I still have Halloween to talk about. And some other stuff. But you will have to wait a little while. I am tired and going to bed. I promise I will do my best to have everything caught up by the end of the week. Toodles!
Monday, November 5, 2007
Saturday, November 3, 2007
I'm Working On It
I want to apologize that it is taking me so long to blog about Aeryn's birthday. For now, I have done some new slide shows.
There are two different birthday slides because her birthday was on Friday and her party was on Saturday.
Be Back Soon!
There are two different birthday slides because her birthday was on Friday and her party was on Saturday.
Be Back Soon!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Aeryn Blows a Kiss
Aeryn learned how to blow kisses! At first they were silent, but now sometimes she will make a muh sound.
Aeryns top two Lateral Incisor (next to the middle) teeth came in this week. She is only 1 behind Calet now. No matter how many other babies you see grow up, when you have your own kids, it all happens too fast. I am working on Aeryn's baby book, trying to get it mostly done before her birthday. How the time has flown. It's so much fun to look at all the pictures and see how much she's grown. Believe me there are a lot of pictures. I haven't kept up with getting them developed, and so I just did them all together. The stack is like 5" tall.
Although I am so excited that she will be walking soon, but I can wait. I could use the exercise chasing her though. :-) Right now she's still really into climbing. But first she likes to pull out contents of cabinets and then tries to climb into them.
One thing that always makes her happy is to climb on the couch or chairs, and sit like a big girl. The problem is that she wants to go face first to get down. Can't let anything happen to her pretty face. Well, yesterday she turned around and went feet first to get down. I know it's a little thing, but it's just so awesome to watch her figure things out. As I am sure I have said many times before.
I also created a wish list for Aeryn. Just some ideas for birthday/Christmas. LINK
Aeryns top two Lateral Incisor (next to the middle) teeth came in this week. She is only 1 behind Calet now. No matter how many other babies you see grow up, when you have your own kids, it all happens too fast. I am working on Aeryn's baby book, trying to get it mostly done before her birthday. How the time has flown. It's so much fun to look at all the pictures and see how much she's grown. Believe me there are a lot of pictures. I haven't kept up with getting them developed, and so I just did them all together. The stack is like 5" tall.
Although I am so excited that she will be walking soon, but I can wait. I could use the exercise chasing her though. :-) Right now she's still really into climbing. But first she likes to pull out contents of cabinets and then tries to climb into them.
One thing that always makes her happy is to climb on the couch or chairs, and sit like a big girl. The problem is that she wants to go face first to get down. Can't let anything happen to her pretty face. Well, yesterday she turned around and went feet first to get down. I know it's a little thing, but it's just so awesome to watch her figure things out. As I am sure I have said many times before.
I also created a wish list for Aeryn. Just some ideas for birthday/Christmas. LINK
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Big Litlle Helper
Today was a good day. While I was taking laundry out of the dryer, I had a little helper. Aeryn likes to bang on the machines when I do laundry. Today she actually reached in the dryer and pulled out some clothes and put them into the clean basket I was using; instead of taking them out of the clean basket. :-) I can't believe how much she has picked up on recently. Climbing stairs(and everything else), giving kisses, blowing kisses, waving to others, the TV, dancing, opening and closing things(like the dog cage), and now laundry! I am sure I have left some stuff out. There's so much that's going on with her. I love it! Today she also fell pretty hard off of the fireplace. She's never really fallen off of it, and she's been climbing it for over a month now. If she does fall, it's only when she's trying to get down. But she was just sitting and playing, got excited, and boom. It was so sad. So I took her outside to distract her. That has always calmed her down...Thank you Brad. (Speaking of...got this link in an e-mail, just wanted to brag.)
She's taken to playing in her toy box. Doesn't bother me any, because the toys stay in it with her.
The other day Tim looked out into the backyard, and there were two black Lab dogs. Puppy and Briscoe were out there, so we were a little worried. But the dogs seemed safe, and Tim went out to see if they had collars/tags. They did, Maddie and Molly; and were from a mile away. So we called the owners and they came and got them. I guess the boys have girlfriends now.
One of the many things I am going to have to get on video...Aeryn dancing. I can't believe how much rhythm this kid has. I hope she continues loving to dance. I think it would be great to be able to tell her she was dancing before she was walking.
I also have more slides up.
She's taken to playing in her toy box. Doesn't bother me any, because the toys stay in it with her.
The other day Tim looked out into the backyard, and there were two black Lab dogs. Puppy and Briscoe were out there, so we were a little worried. But the dogs seemed safe, and Tim went out to see if they had collars/tags. They did, Maddie and Molly; and were from a mile away. So we called the owners and they came and got them. I guess the boys have girlfriends now.
One of the many things I am going to have to get on video...Aeryn dancing. I can't believe how much rhythm this kid has. I hope she continues loving to dance. I think it would be great to be able to tell her she was dancing before she was walking.
I also have more slides up.
Monday, September 24, 2007
We went to see the A's play again, Sept. 8th. It was the first game that we'd been to that the A's lost. We have been going at least twice a year the past four years. I guess it had to happen some time. At least it wasn't Aeryns first game. We still had lots of fun. I cannot believe how easy going Aeryn is. I don't think there are many babies who can behave for a whole baseball game. We are so lucky to have such a great kid. Since it was over the weekend, we stayed the night. This was Aeryns first overnight away from home, besides when she was born. The hotel room was nice. We stayed at the Country Inn and Suites. We have stayed there before, but the room was different. The first few times we had a bedroom and a sitting room, separated by a door. I thought that's what I reserved, but the one we were in this time had a kitchen too! That's right, with a tall fridge and a stove/oven. We didn't pay more than we did last time either! Before we went to the game, I called Pizza Hut to find out how late they delivered, which was 11 I think. We took a free trolly ride to and from the game. When the game was over, we went to the trolly to go back to the hotel, and called in a pizza. But there was a fireworks show, and apparently not many people in Texas have seen one. The trolly is supposed to leave when it gets filled up. But it couldn't because everyone wanted to watch the fireworks, including the driver. Come on people, sleepy kid with hungry parents. It was 45 minutes before we got home after getting on the trolly and ordering the pizza. When I ordered the pizza I said that if we weren't back yet to leave it at the lobby desk. I even called the lobby and let them know. But I guess they didn't tell that to the delivery guy. I called Pizza Hut when we did get back, and they said he'd been out twice and it was too late to send him back. So I canceled the order. Instead I went to Hooters and got some wings and burgers to go. Yum! They really do have good hot wings.

My poor husband started to get a rash earlier this month, and so I made him an appointment with a dermatologist when it didn't go away. He has psoriasis and needed to get another prescription for it anyway. The doctor had to take a skin sample of part of the rash, and so Tim has two stitches in his back. It was the worst place too, he is very sensitive on his back. He has an appointment tomorrow to get them out and get the lab results.
I have two new slide shows on slide.com @ http://familydanziger.slide.com/
I love taking pictures of Aeryn. I can't believe she will be 1 in less than a month. I am already planning her party. It's going to be Yo Gabba Gabba themed. I let her pick it out by printing out a picture from it and Blues Clues. I wish I would have just gone with Blues Clues, because YGG just came out and there is nothing I can find for it. I have some ideas, and it's not going to be too elaborate because it's just her 1st birthday, and she won't be picky. At least it's going to be original. Whatever the princess wants, the princess gets.
My poor husband started to get a rash earlier this month, and so I made him an appointment with a dermatologist when it didn't go away. He has psoriasis and needed to get another prescription for it anyway. The doctor had to take a skin sample of part of the rash, and so Tim has two stitches in his back. It was the worst place too, he is very sensitive on his back. He has an appointment tomorrow to get them out and get the lab results.
I have two new slide shows on slide.com @ http://familydanziger.slide.com/
I love taking pictures of Aeryn. I can't believe she will be 1 in less than a month. I am already planning her party. It's going to be Yo Gabba Gabba themed. I let her pick it out by printing out a picture from it and Blues Clues. I wish I would have just gone with Blues Clues, because YGG just came out and there is nothing I can find for it. I have some ideas, and it's not going to be too elaborate because it's just her 1st birthday, and she won't be picky. At least it's going to be original. Whatever the princess wants, the princess gets.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
The last post was one that I forgot to post. Oops. So here's some updates.
This weekend Tim's parents came over and we grilled some yummy steaks. It was nice to see them and catch up. It was a great weekend because Tim didn't have to work until today. He works so hard, it's nice to get to see him relax and get to play with Aeryn more. Aeryns front top two teeth poked through today. I can't wait to see how much it changes her appearance when they are completely out. I think there is another top tooth that is going to pop out this week. We'll see. She's so sweet. I don't remember if I said anything about how well she shares in the last blog. But she is always sharing her toys with us, trying to put them in our mouths, and sharing her snacks. Well, that's all I can think of to add right now. We are going to see the A's play the Rangers this weekend, so I won't write until then.
This weekend Tim's parents came over and we grilled some yummy steaks. It was nice to see them and catch up. It was a great weekend because Tim didn't have to work until today. He works so hard, it's nice to get to see him relax and get to play with Aeryn more. Aeryns front top two teeth poked through today. I can't wait to see how much it changes her appearance when they are completely out. I think there is another top tooth that is going to pop out this week. We'll see. She's so sweet. I don't remember if I said anything about how well she shares in the last blog. But she is always sharing her toys with us, trying to put them in our mouths, and sharing her snacks. Well, that's all I can think of to add right now. We are going to see the A's play the Rangers this weekend, so I won't write until then.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Happy Birdie To ME!
Thursday was my day. 24 now. Getting older everyday. My age still doesn't bother me. I am freaked out about turning a quarter of a century next year. That's old. :-) It was a good birthday for me. Tim is so wonderful. He had my birthday gifts wrapped and ready for me to open when I got up. But he didn't have time to watch me open them before he went to work, so I waited until he got home. It's hard for me because I am a very impatient person when it comes to opening presents. He got me Harry Potter SceneIt 2nd Edition, Simon, and a Sudoku board game(it's got a booklet and wooden pieces like Scrabble). He knows me so well. My dad came up and took us out to eat, Outback baby! I love that place. It had been so long since I last ate there. It's my fave. There is nothing better to me than their Caesar salad. Afterwards we came home and had some Baskin Robins ice cream cake. Yummy! I had ordered the cake, and should have gotten a smaller size. I is still hard not having the Mons-ters around to share leftovers with. Speaking of which...I was on my way to the Post Office earlier this week, and almost drove past it to go to their old place. There is a stop light between our house and theirs, to go to the PO you turn left at the light, or you can go through it and get to their place. I was in the lane to go straight when the light changed and I realized what I was about to do. It made me so sad that when I went into the PO, my eyes were all red. I am so looking forward to Thanksgiving. Hopefully if everything goes well, we will be going up for a short visit.
Aeryn had a doctors visit on the 29th. She is 22# 2oz. 28 1/4". Poor thing had to get 4 shots. She didn't cry for very long. We were expecting her to be more cranky because the appointment was when she is usually down for her afternoon nap. We also changed pediatricians, this was our first visit to the new one. Our new doc is the one Melisa was using before they moved. We like her so much. The waiting room is so comfy, and the check-up rooms are so cute! On top of that, she's really nice and is a great doc. I am really excited. Oh, and the office is just across the street from us. Aeryn is also starting to try and take a few steps. She was standing in the hallway, holding on to the wall and took a step towards me! But she couldn't keep her balance and fell. It's so exciting.
Aeryn had a doctors visit on the 29th. She is 22# 2oz. 28 1/4". Poor thing had to get 4 shots. She didn't cry for very long. We were expecting her to be more cranky because the appointment was when she is usually down for her afternoon nap. We also changed pediatricians, this was our first visit to the new one. Our new doc is the one Melisa was using before they moved. We like her so much. The waiting room is so comfy, and the check-up rooms are so cute! On top of that, she's really nice and is a great doc. I am really excited. Oh, and the office is just across the street from us. Aeryn is also starting to try and take a few steps. She was standing in the hallway, holding on to the wall and took a step towards me! But she couldn't keep her balance and fell. It's so exciting.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
I have known for a long time that whenever someone looks up procrastination they will see my picture there. I am just going to throw things out there, in no particular order(just as things pop up in my head). I still need to make some slide shows, and will let you know when I get them done.
Tims birthday was the 14th. I made him a M&M Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake. Yummy! That was my present to him. He is so hard to shop for. I felt bad for not getting him a card though. I couldn't find one that said what I wanted. I need to invest in a card maker like Melisa has. Hers are always so cute! My dad took us out for dinner at Kilkenny's. Tim got a Boxty (stuffed grilled potato pancake) stuffed with crab, lobster and shrimp. I ordered a chicken Boxty, asked for no mushrooms, but got mushrooms. Fungus is yucky. So I had them bring me a chicken alfredo. They have really great food, and I recommend that everyone go sometime. He's also really gotten into the Flaming Lips since seeing them in concert recently. He got some of their cds for his birthday and a new A's hat.
Tims grandmother passed away earlier this month. He knew her pretty well. It was his moms mom, and so she went out to California to help her sister take care of everything. She just got home yesterday. There were some good things about the trip though. She was really happy to get to spend so much time with her sister(who lives in California). And also her niece had her second child, Charles Wiley(I hope I got it right).
Aeryns third tooth has finally poked through! The front bottom(central incisors) two have been in since mid-May. Strangely, this new one isn't a top tooth. I can't see any sign of them. The new one is the right lateral incisor(no I'm not a tooth fanatic, I looked the names up). I think that I see some white on the left, but nothing is through. She has also moved up a diaper size, 4. And I have put away most of her 12 month clothes, there are a few that are stretchy that still fit. She's mostly in 18 though. There is a great group here, Just Between Friends. My sister-in-law, Stephanie, turned me onto it. It's a great big consignment sale. They have three in my area twice a year(spring and fall). PS their website is jbfsale.com. You should check it out, they have them in a couple different states. Sorry Melisa, not in MI yet. Anyways... I went to the one in Tulsa, and spent twice as much as I planned. But Aeryn is set on clothes for the rest of the year; hopefully some of next year too. I got her some cool toys as well. It's funny because I used to look at people whose houses are overflowing with toys, and "think how did they let that happen?" I am totally eating my thoughts. It's way too easy. But Aeryn is enjoying herself. She is so amazing. She picks up on things really fast. I am working on her feeding herself. She does finger foods, but not at all interested in using a spoon. I don't mind though. She's growing up too fast, and is already really independent. So I have no problem holing on to whatever I can as long as she lets me. For now anyways. She is close to walking. She is standing up without support more and more for longer periods(in seconds, not minutes), and walks along holding the furniture. She won't let us hold her hands and help her walk, but that's how she's always been. She wants to do it for herself. I admire her for it.
Here's a quick cute story before I get off here. Yesterday for dinner, we went to Red Robin. There was a family at the table across from us with an 11month old girl. She started fussing and Aeryn started imitating her. I just realized where she got it from...me. When she starts, I will copy her and make it into a game to distract her attention from whatever upset her. Well anyways, it was all very cute, the two of them. By the time we left they were babbling to each other and waving(Aeryn still does her waves backwards), and all of us adults were fawning and laughing over them and their cuteness.
In my news, I have seen Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix three times at the iMax theater. Tim doesn't understand why, but he still loves me so it's okay. I also went to see Becoming Jane. I don't know if I loved it, I think I will have to see it again to make that decision. But you will really like it if you are into Jane Austen, or period movies. There was a preview for a movie about a Jane Austen book club, I don't think I am going to see that. Well maybe when it's on dvd and I get a free movie rental coupon. I can't wait until December 21st... Sweeny Todd. I haven't seen the musical, but I know the story. Tim Burton is the director, so of course Johnny Depp is Sweeny Todd. It also has Helena Bonham Carter and Alan Rickman(I have a such a crush on him). It's late and I can't think. So goodnight.
Tims birthday was the 14th. I made him a M&M Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake. Yummy! That was my present to him. He is so hard to shop for. I felt bad for not getting him a card though. I couldn't find one that said what I wanted. I need to invest in a card maker like Melisa has. Hers are always so cute! My dad took us out for dinner at Kilkenny's. Tim got a Boxty (stuffed grilled potato pancake) stuffed with crab, lobster and shrimp. I ordered a chicken Boxty, asked for no mushrooms, but got mushrooms. Fungus is yucky. So I had them bring me a chicken alfredo. They have really great food, and I recommend that everyone go sometime. He's also really gotten into the Flaming Lips since seeing them in concert recently. He got some of their cds for his birthday and a new A's hat.
Tims grandmother passed away earlier this month. He knew her pretty well. It was his moms mom, and so she went out to California to help her sister take care of everything. She just got home yesterday. There were some good things about the trip though. She was really happy to get to spend so much time with her sister(who lives in California). And also her niece had her second child, Charles Wiley(I hope I got it right).
Aeryns third tooth has finally poked through! The front bottom(central incisors) two have been in since mid-May. Strangely, this new one isn't a top tooth. I can't see any sign of them. The new one is the right lateral incisor(no I'm not a tooth fanatic, I looked the names up). I think that I see some white on the left, but nothing is through. She has also moved up a diaper size, 4. And I have put away most of her 12 month clothes, there are a few that are stretchy that still fit. She's mostly in 18 though. There is a great group here, Just Between Friends. My sister-in-law, Stephanie, turned me onto it. It's a great big consignment sale. They have three in my area twice a year(spring and fall). PS their website is jbfsale.com. You should check it out, they have them in a couple different states. Sorry Melisa, not in MI yet. Anyways... I went to the one in Tulsa, and spent twice as much as I planned. But Aeryn is set on clothes for the rest of the year; hopefully some of next year too. I got her some cool toys as well. It's funny because I used to look at people whose houses are overflowing with toys, and "think how did they let that happen?" I am totally eating my thoughts. It's way too easy. But Aeryn is enjoying herself. She is so amazing. She picks up on things really fast. I am working on her feeding herself. She does finger foods, but not at all interested in using a spoon. I don't mind though. She's growing up too fast, and is already really independent. So I have no problem holing on to whatever I can as long as she lets me. For now anyways. She is close to walking. She is standing up without support more and more for longer periods(in seconds, not minutes), and walks along holding the furniture. She won't let us hold her hands and help her walk, but that's how she's always been. She wants to do it for herself. I admire her for it.
Here's a quick cute story before I get off here. Yesterday for dinner, we went to Red Robin. There was a family at the table across from us with an 11month old girl. She started fussing and Aeryn started imitating her. I just realized where she got it from...me. When she starts, I will copy her and make it into a game to distract her attention from whatever upset her. Well anyways, it was all very cute, the two of them. By the time we left they were babbling to each other and waving(Aeryn still does her waves backwards), and all of us adults were fawning and laughing over them and their cuteness.
In my news, I have seen Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix three times at the iMax theater. Tim doesn't understand why, but he still loves me so it's okay. I also went to see Becoming Jane. I don't know if I loved it, I think I will have to see it again to make that decision. But you will really like it if you are into Jane Austen, or period movies. There was a preview for a movie about a Jane Austen book club, I don't think I am going to see that. Well maybe when it's on dvd and I get a free movie rental coupon. I can't wait until December 21st... Sweeny Todd. I haven't seen the musical, but I know the story. Tim Burton is the director, so of course Johnny Depp is Sweeny Todd. It also has Helena Bonham Carter and Alan Rickman(I have a such a crush on him). It's late and I can't think. So goodnight.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Baseball Game
Yesterday we went to Arlington, TX to see the Oakland Athletics play the Texas Rangers. For those of you who don't know, Tim has been an A's fan all his life; so we are an Athletics family. For the past four years we have been to at least one A's vs Rangers game. This game, we decided to come back after rather than stay at a hotel. We were worried about how Aeryn would handle it, but she did great.
They open the gates 3 hours before the game starts, so fans can watch the teams warm up, and try to get some autographs. I thought it was 4 hours, and I am glad I did. If we would have left to get there 3 hours before we would have hit rush hour traffic in Dallas. Talk about a lucky mistake. There was about half an hour to kill when we arrived, so we went to the All American Grille. It's a restaurant in the stadium, above right field. What a view. It was nice to be inside with AC. Not being very hungry, we just split a Caesar salad. With a few minutes left before they opened the gates we got in line. They check your bags before you can go in, and one of the rules is no glass. I didn't think about it when I had packed the diaper bag, but the baby food jars were glass. Since we couldn't bring in the jars we dumped them into styrofoam cups. Ugh.
We brought a baseball for the players to sign; a keepsake for Aeryn. We got Nick Swisher, Shannon Stewart, JJ Furmaniak, Chad Gaudin, and Houston Street to sign it. Houston Street is a really great guy, he always stays out and signs autographs as long as there is a line. And when we were in line for Shannon Stewart, he said the last one he was going to do would be for the kid in front of us. I asked if he would please sign Aeryns ball because it was her first game, and he did! That was cool of him.
Before the game started, there were photogs going around the park taking pics for the Rangers website, and took one of Aeryn and I. Click here to see it.
The game was 13 innings, started at 730 and was over at midnight. Aeryn conked out the last half of the 13th. I was surprised she made it that long. It was a nail biter. The A's scored 6 in the 1st and then a homer in the 3rd, and didn't score again until the 13th. My heart was racing the whole time after the 9th.
Every time we have gone to see them play the A's win. (knock on wood) It's a great feeling to go into a stadium cheering for the visiting team, and being able to walk out proud.
Aeryn discovered how to wave bye. It's so cute, she will turn both hands toward herself, and watch her hands wave. We haven't been able to get her to do it on cue yet. She is also very interested in buttons. She can turn the TV on and off, change the channels and volume. If it has a button, she wants to push it. I can't believe how smart she is! It's so awesome to be watch someone discover new things.
They open the gates 3 hours before the game starts, so fans can watch the teams warm up, and try to get some autographs. I thought it was 4 hours, and I am glad I did. If we would have left to get there 3 hours before we would have hit rush hour traffic in Dallas. Talk about a lucky mistake. There was about half an hour to kill when we arrived, so we went to the All American Grille. It's a restaurant in the stadium, above right field. What a view. It was nice to be inside with AC. Not being very hungry, we just split a Caesar salad. With a few minutes left before they opened the gates we got in line. They check your bags before you can go in, and one of the rules is no glass. I didn't think about it when I had packed the diaper bag, but the baby food jars were glass. Since we couldn't bring in the jars we dumped them into styrofoam cups. Ugh.
We brought a baseball for the players to sign; a keepsake for Aeryn. We got Nick Swisher, Shannon Stewart, JJ Furmaniak, Chad Gaudin, and Houston Street to sign it. Houston Street is a really great guy, he always stays out and signs autographs as long as there is a line. And when we were in line for Shannon Stewart, he said the last one he was going to do would be for the kid in front of us. I asked if he would please sign Aeryns ball because it was her first game, and he did! That was cool of him.
Before the game started, there were photogs going around the park taking pics for the Rangers website, and took one of Aeryn and I. Click here to see it.
The game was 13 innings, started at 730 and was over at midnight. Aeryn conked out the last half of the 13th. I was surprised she made it that long. It was a nail biter. The A's scored 6 in the 1st and then a homer in the 3rd, and didn't score again until the 13th. My heart was racing the whole time after the 9th.
Every time we have gone to see them play the A's win. (knock on wood) It's a great feeling to go into a stadium cheering for the visiting team, and being able to walk out proud.
Aeryn discovered how to wave bye. It's so cute, she will turn both hands toward herself, and watch her hands wave. We haven't been able to get her to do it on cue yet. She is also very interested in buttons. She can turn the TV on and off, change the channels and volume. If it has a button, she wants to push it. I can't believe how smart she is! It's so awesome to be watch someone discover new things.
Monday, July 23, 2007
759 pages
It took me just under 24 hours to finish reading the new Harry Potter book. That's including 4 hours of sleep, and a few hours of playing with the family and cooking dinner. It's not my favorite of the series, but it's good. I cried like 4 times. The only other time I cried during a book was the end of Half-Blood Prince. I went to a release party with my friend Michelle(dressed as Rita Skeeter), a friend of hers whose name I can't remember(Professor Trelawny), and Michelle's son Evan(Draco), and her friends daughter(Pansy Parkinson). They were so well costumed. I went as Marietta, Cho's friend who snitches on the DA. I had a blue striped top and curled my hair and had Tim write SNEAK across my forehead. I have a picture, but I need to get it scanned to get it on. I had lots of fun at the party, even though it was sans Melisa. I am not sad that the series is over. I think the loose ends were tied up good. And no matter how many times I read the books, I know they will never get boring for me.
Just a side note here: I came across this great household organizer page. It's got some great print outs and advice for anyone who is interested. http://organizedhome.com/index.html
Just a side note here: I came across this great household organizer page. It's got some great print outs and advice for anyone who is interested. http://organizedhome.com/index.html
Friday, July 20, 2007
Ruffles Baby
Remember those Ruffles commercials with the cartoon baby saying "Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrruffles have rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrridges"? Aeryn does it so much better. Well, the rolling r's anyways. I love listening to her go around all day, rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. She's way better than I am at it.
Also, it appears that she's gotten some cradle cap. She is very active, so it's not from lying around all day. Docs don't know the cause of it, but suspect it has something to do with the oils on your head. It has been very humid lately and even with the ac and fan on her when she takes her day naps, she will still sweat sometimes. I think that's where it started. I am going to try some oil today before her bath, see how that helps.
This morning I went and stood in line for 45 minutes to get a ticket for the Harry Potter party tonight. They have different colored tickets with a-z on them. And they will call you to get in line in order of color and letter on the flyer. I don't know how many are in each letter group. But I am in the first color group b. I am guaranteed a book because I reserved one. I am so excited! With the last book I went online and looked up the ending. (because it had already been released in Europe, cause of the time zones, people had read them and posted.) With this one I am trying to not look. I am so tempted. It doesn't really matter if I find out because it won't keep me from reading it. But I think a surprise would be nice. So I am banning myself from the computer after I post this. I won't be back on until I have finished the book. When I do I will post a review, and how many tissues I go through.
Also, it appears that she's gotten some cradle cap. She is very active, so it's not from lying around all day. Docs don't know the cause of it, but suspect it has something to do with the oils on your head. It has been very humid lately and even with the ac and fan on her when she takes her day naps, she will still sweat sometimes. I think that's where it started. I am going to try some oil today before her bath, see how that helps.
This morning I went and stood in line for 45 minutes to get a ticket for the Harry Potter party tonight. They have different colored tickets with a-z on them. And they will call you to get in line in order of color and letter on the flyer. I don't know how many are in each letter group. But I am in the first color group b. I am guaranteed a book because I reserved one. I am so excited! With the last book I went online and looked up the ending. (because it had already been released in Europe, cause of the time zones, people had read them and posted.) With this one I am trying to not look. I am so tempted. It doesn't really matter if I find out because it won't keep me from reading it. But I think a surprise would be nice. So I am banning myself from the computer after I post this. I won't be back on until I have finished the book. When I do I will post a review, and how many tissues I go through.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
i heart webcams
Today was fun. We had some visitors. Tim's parents, Sirry and Hanz, came by for a visit since they got back from their California trip. They brought back a cute fishy toy for Aeryn. She loves it. My dad also came by to go webcam shopping with me. He arrived not long after Sirry and Hanz. So, we went to CompUSA and got 2 Microsoft LiveCam VX 3000's. One for us and one for my dad. We came back to our place and set it up on the computer. Earlier I had some USB problems, that's where the cam plugs in, so I called Brad for help. Silly me, I only had to restart my comp to get it to work. We got it up and running in good time, and were able to talk to Brad and the boys. I can't believe I didn't think to get one before. It is such a joy and relief to know that I can now turn on my comp, and see the boys live. I really miss my nephews and niece. Although it bites a big one that I can't be a minute away, at least I can still see them whenever I want. This cam is also going to come in handy when Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows comes out. I have no doubt Melisa and I will have many discussions about the whole series. I am so excited!!! Poor Tim has to hear me count out the days/hours before Friday at midnight. Luckily a friend of Tims, Chris, his wife and son are going. I am so excited that I know someone who is going to be there. It wont be the same without Melisa of course.
Well Aeryn has been at the stage where she gets into everything now for a while, and I am used to it now. She recently entered into the climbing stage. Today she managed to climb on the brick around our fireplace. I was in the kitchen and Tim was watching TV, and I turn around to see her on top. I couldn't believe she was able to climb it. It's just a little ledge about a foot high. I only hope I can keep her from discovering the stairs. Better start looking into finding a gate that is wide enough for our hallway. I have also been trying to help her walk. But she won't have it. Wants to do it herself. There's no helping her if she doesn't want it. Got it from Tim I think. :-)
Well Aeryn has been at the stage where she gets into everything now for a while, and I am used to it now. She recently entered into the climbing stage. Today she managed to climb on the brick around our fireplace. I was in the kitchen and Tim was watching TV, and I turn around to see her on top. I couldn't believe she was able to climb it. It's just a little ledge about a foot high. I only hope I can keep her from discovering the stairs. Better start looking into finding a gate that is wide enough for our hallway. I have also been trying to help her walk. But she won't have it. Wants to do it herself. There's no helping her if she doesn't want it. Got it from Tim I think. :-)
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Friday, July 13, 2007
I got kissed by Harry
Well, Tim wasn't too excited about it when I told him. Here's the story. I went to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix yesterday at 5pm. Guess who can't get up at 2am, no matter how early she goes to bed. :-) Of course I had to see it on the big huge iMax screen. As an added surprise, the iMax here is also 3-D! That's where Harry kissed me! It was a 3-D scene where he was flying on a thestral, and I was sitting in the very middle of the back row. Bam! The whole movie wasn't 3-D, just a little bit towards the end. I know that there is no way I can ever see a movie on a regular screen if I know it's also playing on the iMax. I can't even describe the euphoria of feeling like I was in the movie during the 3-D part. If you're wondering which part, it was from the thestrals to after the Ministry of Magic fights. I was so tempted to stick my arm out and wave my "wand", ie cell phone, at the Death Eaters shouting spells. I am highly recommending that if you have one in your area, to see any movie that way. Unless of course you have a heart condition.
I also went to Barnes and Noble to reserve my copy of Deathly Hallows. I am getting up early Friday to get my ticket for the release party. They are free, but they are going by the number on your ticket for when you get your book. So I have to make sure I have a low number.
I also went to Barnes and Noble to reserve my copy of Deathly Hallows. I am getting up early Friday to get my ticket for the release party. They are free, but they are going by the number on your ticket for when you get your book. So I have to make sure I have a low number.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
It's been a while, I know. Nothing really new until today. Aeryns two favorite toys are a little green bear and a Tigger. She loves it when we pounce it on her. Today she was really into the G sounds, and she said "tiger." Well it sounded really close if it wasn't. We'll wait and see if it was just a moment thing, or her actual first word. Who needs momma and daddy, when you've got Tigger?
Also I am excited today because Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is released at midnight. I wasn't sure if I wanted to see it by myself, since Melisa and I aren't together, or wait until Tim and I could go. When I decided, it was the iMax midnight show was sold out. There are still midnight tickets for the regular screens. But instead I am going to the iMax at 3am!!! If I can pull myself out of bed at 230 of course.
Tomorrow I am going to Wal-Mart to pick up the pics of Aeryn and Calet. I am way excited. I can't wait to see them! I know I am going to melt from the cuteness. Four sweet chubby cheeks in one photo! It should be illegal. :-)
Also I am excited today because Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is released at midnight. I wasn't sure if I wanted to see it by myself, since Melisa and I aren't together, or wait until Tim and I could go. When I decided, it was the iMax midnight show was sold out. There are still midnight tickets for the regular screens. But instead I am going to the iMax at 3am!!! If I can pull myself out of bed at 230 of course.
Tomorrow I am going to Wal-Mart to pick up the pics of Aeryn and Calet. I am way excited. I can't wait to see them! I know I am going to melt from the cuteness. Four sweet chubby cheeks in one photo! It should be illegal. :-)
Friday, June 29, 2007
New Hair

A month ago I went to my hair guru(aka my Mistress of Style, Gigi) to get my hair cut. I usually haver her color it too, but in order to save my money, I decided to do it myself. I was talking about it to a friend of mine and she said she'd do it for me. She's not a cosmotolgist, a nurse actually, but she does her own and its never looked bad. I went to Sally's Beauty Supply and bought some color, went to her apartment. Well, I trusted her, and she started out by bleaching out my hair; something I don't think should've or needed to be done. My hair was the same color as Eminems. Ugh! When we put on the color I bought, a sandy blonde, it made no difference. I had also bought a reddish brown for highlights, so we did some highlight chunks. It was the same color as Marsha Cross on Desperate Housewives. I do not look good as a ginger. So the next morning I went to Wal-Mart and got some brown Clariol color. It ended up not so bad, but my hair was fried to say the least. As the month went on, the color faded. So I sucked it up and called Gigi to get it fixed. What a wonderful woman! She saved my self esteem. I told her no blonde! I will get some pics up later. It's a dark brown now. I love it! She gave me some tips on how to get some life back into it. I was planning on getting it chopped off this winter because I couldn't stand the feel of my straw hair. But if it gets some of its life back, I can keep it long, which is what I was wanting to do.
Aeryn is growing so fast! Sometimes when I look at her I see how she's changing into a toddler. Still waiting for her top teeth to come in, but she's chewing like crazy. And of course she wants to chew on everything but her toys. I taught her how to turn lights on and off. She's so smart. She will also open and close the fridge for me if I am holding her. I thought she'd enjoy one of those pop up toys; you know the ones where you have to flip a switch, or push a button to get the toy to pop out of the trap door. I tried showing her how to get them to pop up, but she's not interested in that. All she wants to do is shut them. It's too cute. So if she's across the room and I get one popped up, she'll usually come over and close it. Another thing she learned is how to open the doors on the entertainment center and get to the videos. At first it was just the bottom where the vhs are, but today she discovered the dvds. Good thing is that I think she gets more of a kick out of pulling them out rather then chewing on them.
I love being a mom. It is so awesome to be able to hang out with my girl all day and see her grow and learn. She's getting better at standing up and only holding on with one hand. Before we know it she will be standing on her own and walking. I couldn't believe how fast she took to crawling.
Just a last note, I got some recipes on my other blog.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Another Blog
Nothing too fun today. Aeryn and I went to Wal-Mart this morning to buy groceries. We hung out all day and had so much fun. Aeryn learned to clap a week ago, and now that's her facorite thing to do. She will clap for almost anything. It is so cute.
I did start a new blog today. Melisa suggested that I put some recipes on my blog. But I couldn't figure out a way to do it without putting it in this part. So I started a new blog to put them on! I don't have any recipes yet. Maybe later tonight after Aeryn is in bed, or tomorrow. I promise I will try to get some one. I have got some good ones! Yum! Check out the link on the side of the page!
I did start a new blog today. Melisa suggested that I put some recipes on my blog. But I couldn't figure out a way to do it without putting it in this part. So I started a new blog to put them on! I don't have any recipes yet. Maybe later tonight after Aeryn is in bed, or tomorrow. I promise I will try to get some one. I have got some good ones! Yum! Check out the link on the side of the page!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Today when Aeryn was being fussy and didn't want to stop to eat, I had a stroke of genius. When she gets fussy I usually take her outside for a little while and it calms her down. So I thought why not let her eat al fresco? It worked! She loved it. And so did Puppy and Briscoe...hoping for some left overs. But she ate all her lunch! Sorry boys, maybe next time. :-) I got some really cute pics of her, and the boys.

Okay, yesterday the Mons' left Oklahoma. :-( Well my dad is still living here. But Brad, Melisa, Jaden, Daven, and Calet moved to Lansing. I only cried a little; only when Melisa started to. I didn't want to get emotional, because it's not going to be long before I see them, I hope. And I can talk to them whenever I want, there's Melisa's blog too. I survived Brad's mission, I can do this. And even though it's going to be hard for me not to see the boys and Calet grow up, I have Aeryn to keep me busy.

Okay, yesterday the Mons' left Oklahoma. :-( Well my dad is still living here. But Brad, Melisa, Jaden, Daven, and Calet moved to Lansing. I only cried a little; only when Melisa started to. I didn't want to get emotional, because it's not going to be long before I see them, I hope. And I can talk to them whenever I want, there's Melisa's blog too. I survived Brad's mission, I can do this. And even though it's going to be hard for me not to see the boys and Calet grow up, I have Aeryn to keep me busy.
A little bit of this and that

Aeryn needed a hat, so I bought her one. The only thing is that we like to play peek-a-boo with her by putting a blanket on her head and letting her pull it off...so now, she thinks that it's a game and trys to pull the hat off too, or just doesn't like things on her head. These were taken May 17th.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Already Missing
So it's been a while. I am still not 100% with my blog. But Melisa REALLY wanted me to start one, and I guess cause I love her, I better keep up with it.
Today I took Aeryn and met Melisa, Calet and the boyz at Wal-Mart to get portraits done of Aeryn and Calet before they move. Those girls are going to break some hearts. Can't wait to get the pics in! I will post them, and I bet Melisa will too. I have been so proud of myself lately for the way I have been handling the Mons' moving. But today, it's really hit me. Maybe it has something to do with them leaving in 2 days and not having any spare time at the moment because they are packing and saying goodbye to everyone that loves them. I try to think that it's only for a few years, 5 I believe, and they will be a phone call away. I can only hope that the time will fly and the visits often.
Today I took Aeryn and met Melisa, Calet and the boyz at Wal-Mart to get portraits done of Aeryn and Calet before they move. Those girls are going to break some hearts. Can't wait to get the pics in! I will post them, and I bet Melisa will too. I have been so proud of myself lately for the way I have been handling the Mons' moving. But today, it's really hit me. Maybe it has something to do with them leaving in 2 days and not having any spare time at the moment because they are packing and saying goodbye to everyone that loves them. I try to think that it's only for a few years, 5 I believe, and they will be a phone call away. I can only hope that the time will fly and the visits often.
Friday, June 8, 2007
Aeryn's Firsts
Well today I moved Aeryn's crib mattress to the lowest setting. When I went to get her up this morning she was sitting up; what a big girl! As I was doing this I couldn't help but think that before I know it I will be taking the front off so she can get in and out herself. So I decided to make a little slide of all her firsts that have already happened. I need to get a new pic on here too of her teeth. She has both of her bottom front teeth in already. They came in around mid-May. We had seen a little brown spot, where her left one came in, for about two weeks before. So I was expecting that one. But the next day after the left one popped out a little, so did the right! And she crawled, belly off the floor, on hands and knees, for the first time this past Monday, the 4th. After the first time she did it, she was a pro, like she'd been doing it all along. She was threatening to crawl for about two months now. She's get on her hands and knees, and push as hard as she could with her legs, lifting up like a Mogli(from Jungle Book). But she didn't have the coordination to move her hands with her legs. Sometimes she would scoot backwards a little.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
First entry...just for starters
Well, here it is. Melisa finally wore me down, and I have created this crazy blog. I don't know how often I will be on here posting...I have a feeling it's addictive and will be on here more than I am thinking I will be.
So here's what's been going on. Aeryn has her two bottom front teeth in. They started to come in begining of May. She crawled, on hands and knees, tummy off the floor, for the first time yesterday. Before that she would get her tummy off the floor, but couldn't coordinate her hands and knees and would just lunge forward. I cannot believe how fast they grow. She will be 8 months in 2 weeks! Well, it's late, and I am gonna get off to bed. I will be getting into more details as time goes on. And here is a little slide show that I did about 2 months ago. I am planning on doing some more, and adding some more pics. Oh yeah, today is Puppys 3rd birthday!!!

So here's what's been going on. Aeryn has her two bottom front teeth in. They started to come in begining of May. She crawled, on hands and knees, tummy off the floor, for the first time yesterday. Before that she would get her tummy off the floor, but couldn't coordinate her hands and knees and would just lunge forward. I cannot believe how fast they grow. She will be 8 months in 2 weeks! Well, it's late, and I am gonna get off to bed. I will be getting into more details as time goes on. And here is a little slide show that I did about 2 months ago. I am planning on doing some more, and adding some more pics. Oh yeah, today is Puppys 3rd birthday!!!

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