Tuesday, September 4, 2007


The last post was one that I forgot to post. Oops. So here's some updates.
This weekend Tim's parents came over and we grilled some yummy steaks. It was nice to see them and catch up. It was a great weekend because Tim didn't have to work until today. He works so hard, it's nice to get to see him relax and get to play with Aeryn more. Aeryns front top two teeth poked through today. I can't wait to see how much it changes her appearance when they are completely out. I think there is another top tooth that is going to pop out this week. We'll see. She's so sweet. I don't remember if I said anything about how well she shares in the last blog. But she is always sharing her toys with us, trying to put them in our mouths, and sharing her snacks. Well, that's all I can think of to add right now. We are going to see the A's play the Rangers this weekend, so I won't write until then.

1 comment:

Melisa said...

Calet has 3 teeth on the bottom. It looks so lopsided!

Enjoy the game!

Love you.