Thursday, June 21, 2007


Today when Aeryn was being fussy and didn't want to stop to eat, I had a stroke of genius. When she gets fussy I usually take her outside for a little while and it calms her down. So I thought why not let her eat al fresco? It worked! She loved it. And so did Puppy and Briscoe...hoping for some left overs. But she ate all her lunch! Sorry boys, maybe next time. :-) I got some really cute pics of her, and the boys.

Okay, yesterday the Mons' left Oklahoma. :-( Well my dad is still living here. But Brad, Melisa, Jaden, Daven, and Calet moved to Lansing. I only cried a little; only when Melisa started to. I didn't want to get emotional, because it's not going to be long before I see them, I hope. And I can talk to them whenever I want, there's Melisa's blog too. I survived Brad's mission, I can do this. And even though it's going to be hard for me not to see the boys and Calet grow up, I have Aeryn to keep me busy.


Anonymous said...

Hey I am not sure how but I am glad I can do comments here now! Yahoo.
The picture of Aeryn smiling is so cute and she looks like you more than she ever has before. She looks more like the Mons side all the time. I know Melisa has counted on you and loved being near you. The boys and Calet will miss you but Melisa will miss you the very most!

Melisa said...

Sniff sniff. She's right. sniff

Those pictures are way cute! She has so much hair! Calet is as bald as can be! hahaha

Mamapierce said...

Oh my goodness, Aeryn is 100% MONS. No really, she looks like your side of the family, no joke. That's amazing!