Monday, July 23, 2007

759 pages

It took me just under 24 hours to finish reading the new Harry Potter book. That's including 4 hours of sleep, and a few hours of playing with the family and cooking dinner. It's not my favorite of the series, but it's good. I cried like 4 times. The only other time I cried during a book was the end of Half-Blood Prince. I went to a release party with my friend Michelle(dressed as Rita Skeeter), a friend of hers whose name I can't remember(Professor Trelawny), and Michelle's son Evan(Draco), and her friends daughter(Pansy Parkinson). They were so well costumed. I went as Marietta, Cho's friend who snitches on the DA. I had a blue striped top and curled my hair and had Tim write SNEAK across my forehead. I have a picture, but I need to get it scanned to get it on. I had lots of fun at the party, even though it was sans Melisa. I am not sad that the series is over. I think the loose ends were tied up good. And no matter how many times I read the books, I know they will never get boring for me.
Just a side note here: I came across this great household organizer page. It's got some great print outs and advice for anyone who is interested.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Ruffles Baby

Remember those Ruffles commercials with the cartoon baby saying "Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrruffles have rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrridges"? Aeryn does it so much better. Well, the rolling r's anyways. I love listening to her go around all day, rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. She's way better than I am at it.
Also, it appears that she's gotten some cradle cap. She is very active, so it's not from lying around all day. Docs don't know the cause of it, but suspect it has something to do with the oils on your head. It has been very humid lately and even with the ac and fan on her when she takes her day naps, she will still sweat sometimes. I think that's where it started. I am going to try some oil today before her bath, see how that helps.
This morning I went and stood in line for 45 minutes to get a ticket for the Harry Potter party tonight. They have different colored tickets with a-z on them. And they will call you to get in line in order of color and letter on the flyer. I don't know how many are in each letter group. But I am in the first color group b. I am guaranteed a book because I reserved one. I am so excited! With the last book I went online and looked up the ending. (because it had already been released in Europe, cause of the time zones, people had read them and posted.) With this one I am trying to not look. I am so tempted. It doesn't really matter if I find out because it won't keep me from reading it. But I think a surprise would be nice. So I am banning myself from the computer after I post this. I won't be back on until I have finished the book. When I do I will post a review, and how many tissues I go through.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

i heart webcams

Today was fun. We had some visitors. Tim's parents, Sirry and Hanz, came by for a visit since they got back from their California trip. They brought back a cute fishy toy for Aeryn. She loves it. My dad also came by to go webcam shopping with me. He arrived not long after Sirry and Hanz. So, we went to CompUSA and got 2 Microsoft LiveCam VX 3000's. One for us and one for my dad. We came back to our place and set it up on the computer. Earlier I had some USB problems, that's where the cam plugs in, so I called Brad for help. Silly me, I only had to restart my comp to get it to work. We got it up and running in good time, and were able to talk to Brad and the boys. I can't believe I didn't think to get one before. It is such a joy and relief to know that I can now turn on my comp, and see the boys live. I really miss my nephews and niece. Although it bites a big one that I can't be a minute away, at least I can still see them whenever I want. This cam is also going to come in handy when Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows comes out. I have no doubt Melisa and I will have many discussions about the whole series. I am so excited!!! Poor Tim has to hear me count out the days/hours before Friday at midnight. Luckily a friend of Tims, Chris, his wife and son are going. I am so excited that I know someone who is going to be there. It wont be the same without Melisa of course.
Well Aeryn has been at the stage where she gets into everything now for a while, and I am used to it now. She recently entered into the climbing stage. Today she managed to climb on the brick around our fireplace. I was in the kitchen and Tim was watching TV, and I turn around to see her on top. I couldn't believe she was able to climb it. It's just a little ledge about a foot high. I only hope I can keep her from discovering the stairs. Better start looking into finding a gate that is wide enough for our hallway. I have also been trying to help her walk. But she won't have it. Wants to do it herself. There's no helping her if she doesn't want it. Got it from Tim I think. :-)

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Aeryn and Calet

Here are the pictures of the girls before the move. Take June 18.

Friday, July 13, 2007

I got kissed by Harry

Well, Tim wasn't too excited about it when I told him. Here's the story. I went to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix yesterday at 5pm. Guess who can't get up at 2am, no matter how early she goes to bed. :-) Of course I had to see it on the big huge iMax screen. As an added surprise, the iMax here is also 3-D! That's where Harry kissed me! It was a 3-D scene where he was flying on a thestral, and I was sitting in the very middle of the back row. Bam! The whole movie wasn't 3-D, just a little bit towards the end. I know that there is no way I can ever see a movie on a regular screen if I know it's also playing on the iMax. I can't even describe the euphoria of feeling like I was in the movie during the 3-D part. If you're wondering which part, it was from the thestrals to after the Ministry of Magic fights. I was so tempted to stick my arm out and wave my "wand", ie cell phone, at the Death Eaters shouting spells. I am highly recommending that if you have one in your area, to see any movie that way. Unless of course you have a heart condition.
I also went to Barnes and Noble to reserve my copy of Deathly Hallows. I am getting up early Friday to get my ticket for the release party. They are free, but they are going by the number on your ticket for when you get your book. So I have to make sure I have a low number.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


It's been a while, I know. Nothing really new until today. Aeryns two favorite toys are a little green bear and a Tigger. She loves it when we pounce it on her. Today she was really into the G sounds, and she said "tiger." Well it sounded really close if it wasn't. We'll wait and see if it was just a moment thing, or her actual first word. Who needs momma and daddy, when you've got Tigger?
Also I am excited today because Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is released at midnight. I wasn't sure if I wanted to see it by myself, since Melisa and I aren't together, or wait until Tim and I could go. When I decided, it was the iMax midnight show was sold out. There are still midnight tickets for the regular screens. But instead I am going to the iMax at 3am!!! If I can pull myself out of bed at 230 of course.
Tomorrow I am going to Wal-Mart to pick up the pics of Aeryn and Calet. I am way excited. I can't wait to see them! I know I am going to melt from the cuteness. Four sweet chubby cheeks in one photo! It should be illegal. :-)