Friday, July 20, 2007

Ruffles Baby

Remember those Ruffles commercials with the cartoon baby saying "Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrruffles have rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrridges"? Aeryn does it so much better. Well, the rolling r's anyways. I love listening to her go around all day, rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. She's way better than I am at it.
Also, it appears that she's gotten some cradle cap. She is very active, so it's not from lying around all day. Docs don't know the cause of it, but suspect it has something to do with the oils on your head. It has been very humid lately and even with the ac and fan on her when she takes her day naps, she will still sweat sometimes. I think that's where it started. I am going to try some oil today before her bath, see how that helps.
This morning I went and stood in line for 45 minutes to get a ticket for the Harry Potter party tonight. They have different colored tickets with a-z on them. And they will call you to get in line in order of color and letter on the flyer. I don't know how many are in each letter group. But I am in the first color group b. I am guaranteed a book because I reserved one. I am so excited! With the last book I went online and looked up the ending. (because it had already been released in Europe, cause of the time zones, people had read them and posted.) With this one I am trying to not look. I am so tempted. It doesn't really matter if I find out because it won't keep me from reading it. But I think a surprise would be nice. So I am banning myself from the computer after I post this. I won't be back on until I have finished the book. When I do I will post a review, and how many tissues I go through.

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