Sunday, June 8, 2008


Thought I would hop on and add some stuff while Tim and Aeryn watch Signing Time.

In May we went to Rooster Days in downtown BA. It was nice. We mostly walked around inside the Community Center gym where all the sellers booths were. They had a petting farm/zoo, outside of course. I didn't like the way the animals looked. All of them had matted hair, and I could tell they don't get any exercise, they ride around in a semi trailer and then are shoved into pins with wood shavings.

We went to the Renaissance Faire in Muskogee last month. My dad, brother Byron and his fiance Kryston met up with us there. It was a nice family outing. Tim and Byron tried some haggis. It looked a lot like tapioca. I don't think it's looks had any effect on it's taste though. I love the food at the fair, any fair really. I would say that fair food is my comfort food. Who likes unfair food anyway? :-)

I love that someone thought to automatically save the blogs as you are typing, so if something distracts you, like your sweet baby girl, you can come back at a later time and finish.

Tim and I just put Aeryn to bed. I cannot express the happiness I have because my kid doesn't, at least not yet, fight us at bedtime. We read some books to her before, and we have one that we read at the very end. She started to notice that when that particular book was read, she was going down for the night. Now when she hears us start to read the book, she tries to take off.

I wish I had a video camera. Not that it would work out in the end... Tim was juggling some balls(the little plastic ones for ball pits). Aeryn was very impressed, enjoying the entertainment, and she wanted to try too. Tim gave her a two balls, she held one in each hand, and moved her arms in the same way Tim was, only without letting go of the balls. Too cute! I wished I had a video cam, remembered out digi cam could record small vids, so I went and grabbed it. But I didn't get any video because Aeryn decided she didn't want to be a juggler anymore, she wanted to be a photographer. Which is why it probably doesn't matter that we don't have a vid.

Things Aeryn has been doing... I am sure if she could talk, she would easily be able to say the ABCs. It's hard for her to sign the letters, but she does at least half in her own way. She is working on her numbers right now. When we stroll around the neighborhood, she stops and points to the house numbers painted on driveways. I would say right now her favorite toy to play with is her Hot Wheels car. I came across some cars in a box of mine, no doubt they belonged to one of my brothers at some point. Aeryn started playing with them and hasn't stopped. She has her own car, and even selected a car for Tim and one for me. A side story... During the day, while Tim is working, and she comes across his car, she will pick it up and sign 'work'. She has also done that when one of us is in the bathroom, but she signs 'potty' instead. Trains have begun to catch her eye. I am not surprised. All of her older cousins have been into Thomas. She's started to recognize him, like at the store or on tv. I took her on her first train ride at the zoo. She loved it! There's a traveling Thomas train that I hopes comes through again this year.
I can't believe I was so nervous when we found out Aeryn was a girl. I wanted a boy first. Despite certain traumas, I love having big brothers. :-) And I have leaned with the stipulation that boys are easier because they are more "durable." I love having a little girl! Aeryn's hair is long enough that I can pull her ponytail on the back of her head, instead of Pebbles' style, on top. My mom was great enough to save some old toys that Aeryn is now big enough to play with. She loves my Bo Bear; he was my teddy growing up. There are some toy dishes in her play kitchen that used to be in mine. She even sits in the same little yellow chair. It's so nice.

Well, it's my bedtime.
I did some new slides a week or two ago, so check them out if you haven't already. More to come!

1 comment:

Melisa said...

I love your updates!