Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Big Girl Chair

Yesterday we went to Wal-Mart and bought a booster seat for Aeryn to sit in at the table. Which led to the first dinner that just the three of us had at the table. Before last night, we'd only eaten at the table when we had guests. Usually we eat off of TV trays. But the past week Aeryn has been reluctant to sit in the high chair, most of the time. Which is why we got the booster. She loves it! What a success. I had been stressing out about her diet lately. I had only been making her food that she could eat without making a mess, in case she didn't want to eat in the high chair. So there was a lot of sandwiches and crackers.
Another recent problem, getting her to let us brush her teeth. After her bath Monday night, she stood up on Tim's legs, to see on top the bathroom counter. And she grabbed her toothbrush and stuck it under the sink, waited for us to turn on the water, then brushed her teeth. When she was done, she let me brush her teeth. So we also bought a stool for her yesterday. It worked good last night, but not this morning. The stool isn't as tall as we wanted, but it's safe. We'll see if she gets used to it.
I take Aeryn to Baby Story Time at our libraries. On Tuesday I take her to Hardesty Library in Tulsa(about 10-15 min from our house to the library), and Wednesdays I was taking her to Broken Arrow South(about 2 miles from my house). But the teacher at Broken Arrow we had last year moved. I don't think that the new lady is very good with Aeryn's age group(birth- 2yrs). So today we went to the Broken Arrow library close to down town(about 3-4 miles from my house). I like it a lot better there. The other mothers seem really nice, and there are few more kids, and closer to Aeryn's age, at the new one.
Story Time is fun. Just a few stories and play songs. It's great to get out of the house and make contact with other moms and Aeryn gets to socialize. Not to mention, it's free! I am looking at enrolling Aeryn in a dance, music, or gym class. The cheapest enrollment fee, I found at a ballet studio. I can't remember the name, I think South Tulsa something. It's at a new shopping center at 101st and Memorial, next to the movie theater. We went to observe a class last Saturday, but none of the kids had shown up. They said that had never happened before. I asked how many kids there were, only 3. So we are going to go back this Saturday and hope they make it. If it's worth it, I am hardly going to be able to contain myself. I took dance when I was little. I don't think I was as young as Aeryn is now. It's just so neat to see your kids enjoying the same things you did.

1 comment:

Melisa said...

Salsa! What good taste she has!

That toothbrush story is very cute!

That is fun that you are taking her to the library!

Do they have dance classes that young? Wow!

Any pictures of the jewelry?