Sunday, February 10, 2008

Salsa Baby

Last night, Tim, Aeryn, and I took my dad out to dinner for his birthday. We went to a Mexican restaurant here in BA, Compadres(sp?). We love the chicken fajitas there! You get so much yummy chicken for your buck than other places. You get free salsa and chips. I gave Aeryn a chip and she saw me dip mine in salsa and wanted some for her chip. I dipped it a little, thinking it'd be too spicy for her to like. But it was the total opposite, she loved it. And was good about not knocking over the bowl when she dipped her chips herself. Even later in the meal she stopped using a chip at all, just her fingers. I was worried about the consequences of allowing her to partake of the yummy salsaness. But so far, nothing outrageous. After dinner, my dad went home and we went to Blockbuster to rent a movie. Our Aeryn made a new friend. There was this other little girl, about a month older, there and Aeryn walked right up to her and babbled a hello. She was very interested in the movie the girl was holding but not once tried to take it away. She also tried to giver her a kiss and hug. Aeryn is too sweet! She even said "bye bye" to her.

Today Aeryn and I went to the Tulsa Women's Expo at the QT Center(formerly Expo Square). It was a last minute thing. I wish I would have tried to find someone to come with. Tim wasn't very interested for some reason. :-) It would have been better to go with someone. It had been going on since Friday, but I only found out about it last night on tv. It said there was a cute baby contest, and I wanted to enter Aeryn, even if it was to cause self esteem problems for the other babies. We all know how awesomely cute she is. I looked it up online, and the entry acceptance date had passed. Maybe next year. We walked around all the booths, avoiding sign ups for "fabulous prizes...not for a mailing list" like they're the plague. You know what I'm talkin bout. But some had some cool freebies we nabbed. Aeryn went through two helium balloons popping on her. It didn't startle, scare or upset her at all, she had almost no reaction to it. We shared some Blue Bell ice cream. I hogged the chocolate covered strawberry. I planned on sharing with Aeryn but I guess my bite was bigger than I realized. :-) I also grabbed some free magazines from a Food Pyramid(bought out the Albertson's in Tulsa) area. And I couldn't resist, I bought three awesome necklaces and a pair of earrings from a booth Dazzle Me Jewels. They are based out of Minnesota, they don't sell online unfortunately, only travel around expos. So if you are ever at one, keep an eye peeled. Their wholesale, the jewelry is sterling silver with Australian crystals. Three necklaces and a pair of earrings, only $33.48. My earrings dangle a little and have a light purplish round crystal. And my necklace charms are a monkey, wine glass, and a star. I love them. I can wear them with anything!

That's all I am up to. I will eventually have a ton more recipes on my other page and new picture slides on I will keep you updated...and yes I still have some postdating for you.

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