Thursday, September 18, 2008

More Stuff

A lot has been going on, and will be going on. I am just going to do things off the top of my head until I get tired.

Aeryn is in soccer now. She loves it! And she's the best at it. I am so proud to be her mom, all the time of course, but when she's doing what the coach is asking and the other kids are running around, so nice. I should mention that the other kids in her class are boys. It's a little Mommy and Me class. They kick the balls around, play games like Red Light/Green Light, pop some bubbles, play with a little parachute, ect. I kind of wanted to put her in dance again, but she really loves soccer. So that was that.
Weather has been great, we've been outside a lot. Aeryn is growing up so fast. Sometimes it seems like she's passed the toddler stage and is approaching adulthood. *sigh I know it will be here before I am ready. Time flies when you're having fun.
I got a new car today. Well not actually new, not even new to me. My Kia, aka DJ, hasn't been driving very well. It's been loud and shaky. I took DJ to Pep Boys, I have a wheel waranty with them, and wanted them to check it out. I told the desk kid that it's loud on the road, and asked if there was anything they could do, he said no. He didn't know what he was talking about. So I just had them rotate my tires because my oil guys told me it needed to be done. I told my dad the story, and he said maybe it was my shocks, and he'd help fix them. But when he hopped on my car, he said it might not be and I should take it in to get looked at. That was last week, but I was so busy I didn't get it in until yesterday. I took it to Firestone on Wednesday, and had them do a wheel alignment. I hate Firestone, the only reason I took it there was because I have a lifetime wheel alignment thingie with them I got before I knew any better. It took 2 1/2 hours. But luckily there is a great place called Incredible Pizza across the parking lot. So I loaded Aeryn up in her stoller and we had a fun time. The first game we played, was a simple one where you hit a button to start and stop the wheel, and each piece on it has a # of tickets you can win. Aeryn's first time she hit the jackpot! 130 tickets! After we played games, there was a line at the ticket counter, so we looked around at some of the other games, and the guy running the go carts let us come ride for free. She was so cute. When she didn't know I was looking at her, she had a look of boredom, like she was a secret agent and has driven much fast cars. But when I'd say something to her about it, she'd light up. The car guys called me and said that I needed new wheel bearings on the back. They could have done it then, but it'd take another 2+ hours. I don't think so. Even after the alignment, DJ drove better. But after I took it in today. WOW!

I can't believe she will be 2 yrs old in one month! No Way!

Planning her party now. Just keeping an eye open for things to get. It's going to be a Pretty Pink Princess Party. The only kids coming are her cousins, all girls( :-( missing the cous' in MI). So why not. The amount of pink I'd like to use would make even Mary Kay blush. But I am not crazy enough to actually do it all. So I am settling for just making the men in the room uncomfortable. hehehe I am so excited for the cake I am thinking about doing. I am for sure going to do a trail run, to make sure I can make it. But that's going to be after I find/make some cute invites.

Some of the things Aeryn is doing. Swinging between two chairs. Doing the "Diaper Dance" from Baby Signing Time. Making a funny face. She pulls her mouth wide with her fingers. Thank you Yo Gabba Gabba for these wonderful laughs. Yes, she still LOVES Yo Gabba Gabba. I think Wonder Pets would give it a run if they were on at the same time. My Friends Tigger and Pooh, naturally. She does the "Think Think Think" with them. But I think she likes Handy Manny more. I find myself watching it sometimes when she's not up yet.

Okay, I am kaput. TTFN

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Video Try

I have this video I am just testing. It was taken 08-30, my birthday morning. Krispy Kreme's for breakfast. Hope it works! If so, enjoy! (ps I hate my recorded voice. sorry if it's annoying to you as it is to me.)

Tid Bits

Okay, I am still working on the pictures. But for a bonus, I am going to try to get some videos up too. This entry is because Tim and I have such a smart beautiful girl, and I wanted to get these stories in before I forget them. Lately when it's bedtime and we are reading to Aeryn, she picks up on certain words in the story and remembers them. The next time we read the book, she is right there with it, saying the words. There is a book we read to her called Friendly Fish, and there is a page with a red rock lobster, and when we read it we say rock lobster they way it's sang/said in the B-52's Rock Lobster. There are two other words, rock and seaweed, that we say funky like that. Just to be silly. It's been almost a week since we read it to her and tonight she was on with those words, exactly the way Tim and I read them to her! Her new favorite book is The Monster at the End of the Book(w/ furry, old, lovable Grover). And she knows it so well. My mom said that I was the same way. She thought she had a super genius child who could read at an early age. Turns out, I just a genius child with good memory.

We have a little digital clock that lights up, and her monitor next to her bed. She's a button pusher, and will play with them before bed sometimes. Sometimes we'd forget to turn it back on if she'd turned it off. But tonight, for the first time... she played with it, and then stopped to listen to stories. When we told her it was time to go to sleep, she walked over and turned it on! She knew it was off, and that it needed to be on. We'd never told her to turn it back on the other times she played with it. Catches on quick this one.

The three of us were in the car this evening and Tim was joking around, and made up a little rap. I forget about what. When he finished Aeryn started rapping! She kept a good beat, even though we couldn't understand her(who can understand rap songs anyway). Rock out!

Aeryn is so in love with our dogs. She helps me let them outside, feed and water them, give them treats, and even yell at them. Well, at Puppy anyway. If he's outside and starts barking, she'll yell through the window. If he's in his dog pen making too much noise, she will tell him to be quiet. She really is a grown up in a toddlers world it seems.

She's in the toddler independence stage. Has to try to do everything by herself. Right now she is working to put her shoes on by herself. It's tough. But she'll do it.

The Just Between Friends sale was last week. I love it! Made some money and spent perhaps a little more that I made. But the clothes were so cute! A lot of people over priced them in my opinion. But I suppose everything is going up in price, even consignments.

My attention span is done. I hope you enjoyed this. Don't know when I will get back to it. Love Ya!